What are in-kind donations?
What are in-kind donations?
Gifts donated in the form of goods or services are considered gifts-in-kind. Our most valued gifts-in-kind are those that keep their community-oriented services viable. PYE is working hard to make an impact on 500 youth community members in 2023, and we are looking to expand our reach to serve youth in need in areas outside of Georgia in the coming years. With costs consistantly increasing, families in need can use all the support they can get, so donations of items that directly support our programs and projects are always welcome!
Gifts like the ones found on the lists below make it possible for PYE to support the communities we sreve. Take a look at the list of our most needed items and contact us about your desired donation.
School Supplies: Grades 6 - 12
Clothing: Tops and Bottoms for Males and Females
Shoes: Casual and Activeware for ages 11 - 18
Art Supplies:
Art Display Supplies: Wooden Easels, Gridwall Panels
Office Supplies: Writing Utensils, Computer Paper
Graphic Design Artist
Software Developer
Web Development and Maintanance Specialist
Marketing Specialist
Event Planner
Thank you for your interest in supporting PYE with gifts-in-kind.
Thank you for your interest in supporting PYE with gifts-in-kind.